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5 Essentials to Pack for Your Spring Break Trip at Blue Harbor Resort


5 Essentials to Pack for Your Spring Break Trip at Blue Harbor Resort

Raise your hand if you’re ready for a break! Luckily for us, Blue Harbor’s Spring Break is just around the corner, and it’s never too early to start thinking ahead to your next vacation. So, in honor of Spring Break season approaching, I thought I’d share my 5 Spring Break essentials for your stay at Blue Harbor Resort in the Malibu of the Midwest: Sheboygan, Wisconsin.

My first essential is the most basic one, a swim suit. Breaker Bay Waterpark is 84 degrees’ year round, and includes attractions like waterslides, a four story activity tower including interconnected suspension bridges, cargo nets, web crawls, and guest-activated water effects, a lily hopper, water basketball, a lazy river moat, a hot tub, and the Riptide; an indoor dueling surf simulator! It’s a water play oasis for everyone. We’ve all been there, done that, thought we packed our swimsuit and then had a moment of panic when we can’t find it in the depths of our duffels and suitcases. Not to fear, accidents happen, we’re human, and ultimately there’s always something we forget. The Boutique at Blue Harbor carries women’s, men’s, and kid’s swimsuits for this reason exactly. Plus, you can pick up other swim fun essentials from the Boutique like goggles, flip flops, and swim toys.  

Second is a follow up to the swimsuit: a cover-up. Keep in mind, although it’s a balmy 84 degrees in the waterpark, you’ll probably feel a bit chilly leaving the waterpark and getting back to your room in a wet swimsuit. So make sure you pack your cover-up (and the kids too!) Even just a large comfy tshirt will do, you don’t have to get fancy. Something that will cover your body and keep you warm enough will get the job done. I usually opt for a cozy oversized sweatshirt, a dress cover-up, or my default college tshirt. Be comfy!

During Spring Break, we’re all about the break aspect of it, mixing things up a little and doing things you normally can’t do. To me, that means disconnecting from my phone and laptop. I don’t mean entirely avoiding going online, but it does mean that my next Spring Break essential is packing a book or a magazine to enjoy during your downtime outside of the pool, in the hotel room, or during your travels. If reading isn’t really your thing (or your kids thing) try a graphic novel, a magazine, or even a portable game. I love Kanoodle as an easy travel game you can play either by yourself or with a family member. One of the many joys of Spring Break is the downtime you get to enjoy, and I think it can be easy for that down time to pass us by too fast when we lose track of it on our phones.

On the topic of technology, my fourth essential is a disposable camera. Hear me out, this can be a really fun idea because it actually keeps you more focused on the present. The photos you take will be extra special because the point of the camera is to simply take the photos, not check them after, or share them on all your social media accounts. When your trip is done and you go to get your photos developed, they’re almost like a mini time capsule and will help remind you of all your fun memories- including some of the little moments you may have forgotten. Think about it, how many times have you taken a bunch of photos with family or friends and then got distracted by something else on your phone, a notification, a different photo memory, or a social media platform, and before you know it, the present moment has been lost in the world on your phone. I love this idea because it’s all about being playful, living in the moment, being silly, and creating memories that you’ll look back at in a different way than the ones stored on your phone.

Last but not least, you won’t want to forget to pack anything that will help keep you hydrated and healthy. Remember that it’s still chilly outside, and going between swimming in pools and facing dry winter air when you go outside, it’s important to keep yourself and your skin hydrated. For me, this includes a reusable water bottle that you can carry on all your Spring Break excursions, moisturizer for your face and body, and chap stick. Don’t head home from your Spring Break feeling dry, cracked, and itchy, so do what you can to prevent that by making sure you’re taking good care of your skin. This gets overlooked when you aren’t traveling to a hot, sunny, outdoor destination, but it’s just as important as if you were under the hot sun on a beach somewhere near the equator.

Spring Break hours at Blue Harbor Resort start Friday, March 22nd.

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