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5 Tips for a Smooth Trip


5 Tips for a Smooth Trip

Last week, I shared my top 5 essentials for packing for your vacation to get you looking ahead and excited for traveling season that’s just around the corner! To go along with that, this week, I am sharing my tips for a smooth getaway so when the time for your trip rolls around, you’re prepared and already in vacation mode!

Feeling Snacky?

The answer is, inevitably, you will. That’s why this tip is at the top of my list, pack snacks! Whether it’s just for the car/plane, or for during your stay, no one likes a hangry spring break traveler. And for my fellow motion-sickness sufferers, packing something to munch on, gum or mints, or water/tea to sip on is a non-negotiable in order to maintain feeling as well as possible. Whether motion sickness is a concern for you or not, we all get hungry, and limiting the number of stops to pick up food or the amount of money spent on snacks in airports and gas stations is ideal for streamlining your traveling experience.

Pack Smart

Last week I discussed a couple of staples for a spring break trip to Blue Harbor Resort and waterpark, and this week I am here to remind you that often times, less is more when going on a trip. For clothing and footwear, pack staples that can easily be switched up, or layered. Make sure that you have all your necessities like chargers, medications, clothing, toiletries, shoes, and snacks- just don’t overdo it. You probably don’t need to pack double of most of these things. If you’re in need of light packing motivation, challenge yourself to a capsule wardrobe for your trip, and remind yourself there might be something you find on your trip that you’ll want to take home as a souvenir.

Have a Plan, But Keep It Loose!

As I encouraged in my last blog, it can be super helpful to research a list of things you want to see or experience during your spring break trip. However, you won’t want to overdo it, arrive, and discover the only way to fit everything in is by following a rigid schedule. If you want to have that kind of itinerary, that’s fine, but feeling worn down and overwhelmed is not the kind of baggage you want to leave your vacation with. It’s all about balance, and this can be particularly hard when traveling with others, especially kids. Try to find that happy-medium through compromises, and learning what kinds of opportunities are located closely to each other in order to make the most of your time.

Plan Out Transportation

Knowing ahead of time how you’re going to get to XY&Z can be a burden lifted off your shoulders. Planning how you get to where you’re staying, and from where you’re staying to different excursions, can clear your head so you can focus on other things such as making sure everybody (including yourself) is ready in time. This is simple if you’re driving yourself to wherever you’re going, but if you’re not, it can be a headache to get all your destinations (and all your people) coordinated.

Watch the Weather

From what I’ve observed, this tip is either a no-brainer, or a day-maker or breaker, depending on who you are. Keep an eye on the forecast during the duration of your trip. I always am keeping tabs on the weather- regardless of if I’m traveling or not- so I can plan accordingly. To me, this seems like a given so that I can plan what to pack to wear, what to do each day, and if I need to bring gloves, an umbrella, or sunglasses out the door with me. However, I have had a friend wake up late on a trip with me and ask if I wanted to go tanning by the water, meanwhile, it was pouring rain outside. So I understand that the forecast is not always on the forefront of people’s minds the way it is for me.

These are the first 5 things I think of when I’m looking ahead to plan my trip and ensure everything is set to go. I guarantee you that thinking ahead and integrating these 5 tips into your planning will significantly impact the trajectory of your trip. You’ll have more time to relax and enjoy, and won’t have to put so much energy towards stressing over the details. Happy travels!

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