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Instagrammable Spots in Sheboygan


Instagrammable Spots in Sheboygan

Sometimes the best thing you can bring home from vacation is a camera roll full of your memories commemorating your unique trip. Sometimes people want photos of themselves on their trip, at a tourist spot, trying a new experience, doing something adventurous, or just posing with a pretty or bragging-worthy background. Others prefer to stay behind the camera and get shots of their food, the landscape, a city, a scene they want to remember, animals they find, or a photo of each place they stop at. No matter which form of photos you prefer to bring back with you from vacation, I have a list of my favorite spots to share. Transform your photos app into a library of Summer Sheboygan images with these top 5 Instagram-able spots in Sheboygan!


Blue Harbor Resort Grand Staircase

Another popular and well known photo op in Sheboygan is behind Blue Harbor Resort, on the grand white staircase leading up from the beach to the patio of the beautiful resort. Locals gather to take prom photos there, it’s a popular wedding photo and family photo destination, and a gorgeous backdrop for any special occasion photo no matter the direction you are facing. Both the staircase and building itself look royal and the views of the lake from there are fit for a royalty too.

Riverfront and South Pier Drive

The Sheboygan River flows into Lake Michigan and divides the downtown district of Sheboygan into the Riverfront boardwalk and South Pier Drive, both of which are beautiful to stroll while stopping to browse the shops and restaurants along these boardwalks. Between the business fronts, and the river feeding into the lake, the abundant photo opportunities are right in front of you. Shots of the water, the docked boats, kayakers and paddle boarders all capture the liveliness of this area. It’s also a great destination to get family or couples photos, or just have the spotlight to yourself overlooking all the blue surrounding you.

Above and Beyond Children’s Museum

Although many young children may get confused by the size of Lake Michigan and confuse it for the ocean, there are whales in Sheboygan- but they aren’t found in the lake. On the wall facing the purple octopus playground at Above and Beyond Children’s Museum on 8th street in Downtown Sheboygan is home to a beautiful mural of two Humpback Wales. Not only is it one of many impressive murals around the town, but it captures the same sense of wonder that the Children’s museum has. Between this oceanic mural and photos of the lake, you won’t be able to tell the difference between a Great Lakes trip and a Seaside trip.

Bookworm Gardens

Stepping into the Bookworm Gardens is like stepping into a whole new world of beauty, imagination, and tranquility. This seasonal attraction is family-friendly, all of the gardens within it are inspired by different children’s books, tales, and characters. Don’t be fooled by this detail, these gardens are treasured by people of all ages, whether you have young kids or not. It’s an absolute must-see destination during your time in Sheboygan, to escape into nature, admire the beautifully arranged flowers and plants, and get lost in your imagination and the peaceful serenity of the garden. It goes without saying there are plentiful photography opportunities in these gorgeous gardens.

The Lighthouse

The Sheboygan Breakwater Lighthouse standing on the breakwater off Deland Park was lit in 1916, after being in the works since 1837. The first lighthouse was located on North Sheboygan Point, but after structural issues, erosion, lamp upgrades, changes to the piers, and change of ownership, the lighthouse ended up further inland where you’ll find it still standing today. Besides being a historical landmark in Sheboygan, it’s a popular destination to get pictures. Whether you’re looking for a moody photo of the waves crashing against its bright red body, or a bright and sunny photo posing beside it, it’s a staple Sheboygan photo to bring home with you.

There you have it, 5 Instagrammable spots in Sheboygan you'll want to add to your itinerary! These beautiful locations are Sheboygan landmarks, recognizable destinations, and notable places to visit during your time in the Malibu of the Midwest! 

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Summer Flavors

Juicy watermelon, dripping dreamsicles, sizzling hot dogs, and sweating spritzers; summer is home to some of our favorite flavors. There is no better time for outdoor cookouts, picnic bench lunches, and patio dinner dining; glasses of wine lingering from late afternoon to well past sunset. The anticipation for the summer season is not just for kids eagerly waiting for school to end, the flavors of summer are unique to this season of longer days and warmer temperatures. To inspire your kitchen recipes and dining plans for the season, here’s our list of favorite summer flavors and where in Sheboygan you can indulge in them.


Instagrammable Spots in Sheboygan

Sometimes the best thing you can bring home from vacation is a camera roll full of your memories commemorating your unique trip. Sometimes people want photos of themselves on their trip, at a tourist spot, trying a new experience, doing something adventurous, or just posing with a pretty or bragging-worthy background. Others prefer to stay behind the camera and get shots of their food, the landscape, a city, a scene they want to remember, animals they find, or a photo of each place they stop at. No matter which form of photos you prefer to bring back with you from vacation, I have a list of my favorite spots to share. Transform your photos app into a library of Summer Sheboygan images with these top 5 Instagram-able spots in Sheboygan!


Destination Imagination

Looking for unique family-friendly places that explore imagination and creativity in the Sheboygan area? You just found it. These imaginative play spots are fun for families with young kids, even the young at heart. Mini Mocha Play Café and Above and Beyond Children's Museum are imaginative places to play year round, and Bookworm Gardens is a magical seasonal destination that is sure to enchant people of all ages. 

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