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Much Ado About Nothing in the Park!


Much Ado About Nothing in the Park!

This weekend only, Seven Ages Theatricals presents Shakespeare’s “Much Ado About Nothing” At City Green in Downtown Sheboygan, and I had the honor of attending the dress rehearsal to get a sneak peak at the show ahead of time so I can share about it on my blog!

A Little Introduction to the Play

Much Ado About Nothing was suspected to have been first published at the very end of the 16th century by William Shakespeare. The comedy takes place in Messina, a harbor city on the island of Sicily, and documents two romantic pairings of four of the characters after a group of soldiers arrive in Messina.

Claudio and Hero are a pair whose romance is attempted to be muddled by the villain, Don John. The second pair involves Claudio’s Friend, Benedict, and Hero’s cousin, Beatrice. The banter between the four of theses characters provides all the wit and humor expected from one of Shakespeare’s comedies.

The title itself is a clever play on words that references the wit and tricks displayed by the characters throughout the performance. Much Ado About Nothing is a play on words that brings the main theme to the center of the stage: much to be done about nothing really at all. Nothing, meaning simultaneously to fuss over something insignificant, while also referring to rumors, gossip, and an extravagant game of “telephone” spreading rumors and gossip to make a big deal out of nothing. With this brief introduction out of the way, let’s dive into the experience itself!

The Outdoor Experience

Seven Ages Theatricals has been performing outdoors on the City Green for four years now, and this is my favorite aspect about their productions. I attended last September’s Shakespeare in the Garden and watched a performance of Romeo and Juliet, so Much Ado About Nothing is the second show I’ve seen in the park. And what a unique experience, especially here in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. I feel that there is something so artful about performing outdoors in the elements; little details from the chirping crickets and the wind rippling the fabric of the costumes. After all, the plays were written with the intention of being staged in open-air theaters like The Globe. I think that’s what makes this performance feel that much more unique and authentic, and it’s an experience that’s harder to come by.

The Show & My Thoughts

The performance and actors themselves were so impressive! Not only did they blow me away with their line memorization, but everyone truly feels and embody the characters, they don’t just speak the part. They WERE the part. The entire cast is incredibly animated, the character the actors are portraying is guided and defined by the emotions they are supposed to be experiencing, and it overtakes them and the delivery of their lines. Not only are they animated, but they act with such individuality, giving their character little quirks in their mannerisms, such as the way they laugh, the way they behave when they say something witty and know it, or guilty looks they adapt on their face and in their body language. It’s clear the actors have poured themselves into the mold of these characters over the weeks they have been rehearsing.

These details also enhance the coherency of the comedy for the audience- I know Shakespeare can be daunting, and sometimes people worry about whether or not they’ll even understand the play and what the characters mean when they are speaking. Let me assure you that Much Ado is a hilarious comedy even those unfamiliar with the play will not just understand, but enjoy. Shakespeare might not have felt like comprehension was easily accessible in your high school English class, but when talented actors are performing the story right in front of you, it adds more context that written Shakespeare sometimes seems to lack when just reading it alone. It’s the actors job to take these words and make them 3D, embody them, give them relatability.

I found that many of the jokes and humorous opinions of the characters did not go over my head, and I was completely unfamiliar with this particular Shakespeare play before the performance. Overall, I really enjoyed this experience and I am so glad I was able to attend the rehearsal to get an early impression on the show for my blog!

Seven Ages Theatrics is performing Much Ado About Nothing on Friday, September 13th and Saturday September 14th at 7:30pm, and Sunday September 15th at 2:00pm on the City Green in Downtown Sheboygan. You'll want to bring a lawn chair or blanket to enjoy the show and well-behaved pets are also welcome. PS... It's free!

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Much Ado About Nothing in the Park!

This weekend only, Seven Ages Theatricals presents Shakespeare’s “Much Ado About Nothing” At City Green in Downtown Sheboygan, and I had the honor of attending the dress rehearsal to get a sneak peak at the show ahead of time so I can share about it on my blog!


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